*     21. IARU World ARDF Championships     *
*  Liberec/Czechia   1.9.2023   Foxoring    *

Competition: 1.09.2023   from 10.00
Band/Limit: 80-m-band / 120 min
Competitors: W19W21W35W45W55W65M19M21M40M50M60M70Com+Hlp

J o n a t h a n A l e x a n d e   K R O S S     US

    Place 24   with a run time of 92'43 min   and 11 foxes
in the M21 category

Route >6590mSequenceS--5--11--2--12--1--15--4--3--14--13--B--F
Run times05+09+06+13+06+11+06+12+07+10+07+01 min
Run route> 6590 m
min. distance> 5890 mS-11-4-15-1-12-2-5-13-14-3-B-F (M21)
Time stamp
Founded before(-),
within(x), after(+)
transmit cycle
Sum run time
Start10:24:00   0'00
Fox 510:29:15   5'15
Fox 1110:37:55 13'55
Fox 210:44:02 20'02
Fox 1210:57:07 33'07
Fox 111:03:24 39'24
Fox 1511:14:43 50'43
Fox 411:20:25 56'25
Fox 311:32:12 68'12
Fox 1411:38:49 74'49
Fox 1311:48:33 84'33
Beacon 11:55:55 91'55
Finish11:56:43 92'43

Fox-to-Fox run times in the M21 category

Fox >> FoxDistanceCom.(StNo) Min. RtAverage RtMax. RtKROSS, Jonathan Alexande
S >> 5330 m22(66)    2'11   4'08   8'04   5'15
5 >> 11590 m2(27)    7'02   7'51   8'40   8'40
11 >> 2410 m3(228)    5'28   6'56   9'16   6'07
2 >> 12660 m28(281)    4'01   8'51 23'21 13'05
12 >> 1530 m33(65)    3'22   5'31 12'46   6'17
1 >> 15730 m26(281)    4'31   8'35 16'33 11'19
15 >> 4410 m27(281)    2'47   4'36   7'01   5'42
4 >> 3820 m5(228)    6'30   8'53 11'47 11'47
3 >> 14460 m17(282)    4'30   7'14 18'29   6'37
14 >> 13630 m14(281)    4'33   7'34 13'02   9'44
13 >> B840 m15(281)    4'03   6'42 13'29   7'22
B >> F180 m35(283)    0'29   0'32   0'58   0'48

The results in the M21 category

PlNameClubCallTotal RtResidueFoxSequenceRun timesRoute
1.MARCHUK, OleksandrUA 42'12 11S-5-2-12-1-15-4-11-3-14-13-B-F03+04+04+04+05+03+03+04+05+05+04+01>6400m
22.TOSTEBERG, JoakimSE 78'29+36:17 186%11S-2-12-1-15-4-11-5-13-14-3-B-F09+11+06+08+04+05+06+06+14+05+04+01>5930m
23.ALLEN, William JosephUSKG4OQO86'06+43:54 204%11S-5-2-12-1-15-4-11-3-14-13-B-F06+07+07+06+09+05+06+07+11+13+07+01>6400m
24.KROSS, Jonathan AlexandeUS 92'43+50:31 220%11S-5-11-2-12-1-15-4-3-14-13-B-F05+09+06+13+06+11+06+12+07+10+07+01>6590m
25.TAMAŠEVIČIUS, AudriusLT 94'25+52:13 224%11S-5-2-12-1-15-4-11-13-14-3-B-F05+13+10+07+09+06+08+12+12+07+05+01>6420m
26.QI, JiayuCN 97'48+55:36 232%11S-5-2-12-1-15-4-11-13-14-3-B-F04+07+12+08+13+07+07+12+13+05+11+01>6420m

Organizer: CRC